she's good at doing stuff like Html, so I can save all the trouble. haha!
Eversince the start of the new school, life was like a bullet train.
I had great responsibilites, new friends, new subject.
Some things started off well, but ended up badly.
I had my first CA for AFD, scoring 75/100. Not an "A" grade thou.
There are bound to have happy and sad times.
I am the Chairman of class QD, the Student Councillor of the school, a member of the badminton CCA and a member of Interact Club.
Because of me arriving late for class in the morning for quite a few days (<10), caused me to lost part of my responsibilites, of marking the class attendance. I don't really feel good, but its the fact, got to accept it.
I placed high priority in my commitments, I dont misuse my authority.
I have great teachers/lecturers, and I love them.
I can share my burdens and seek advices from them.
Unfortunately, some relations did not work well, but I'm glad things turn out good.
Now I'm worried for my lost 2GB thumbdrive, and the locker's key together with a keychain photo of myself when I was young then.
It was a very rushing yet quite an unpleasant day.
I had lunch, but arrived late for my Choir practice today.
My choir and I had ensemble work for 'Bobby Shaftoe', and I sang twice out of the three rounds.
Hopefully my singing is acceptable, usually I don't do very well for almost every pieces.
My conductor-in-residence said it was rare for the piece 'Feeling Groovy' today.
Many people have spoke to me about my singing, my effort in the Choir.
I realised I am being non-chalant, and paid no effort at all.
Both my conductor spoke to me today, finding out if I had difficulties in singing.
I replied, and they suggested me to sing half the repertoire, out of 19 songs, with an encore piece.
I accepted the offer and look in a brighter way.
That this opporunity can help improve my pitch, singing, everything.
But after much thoughts, I reconsider the offer and make myself determine to put in hard work for the next three months.
I approached one of my tenor boy, and told him about my thinking, if he is willing to guide me along.
I understands that improvement comes from individual and group effort.
He understands, and we spoke to the Director.
The Director was gracious enough, told me to look at the bright side of the offer, but accepted my suggestion to him.
Certainly there is a term to it.
I gave him a due date, 2 weeks, to improve myself.
If I do not reach the expectations, I will then go along with his offer.
I sincerely thank my conductor for a chance to prove myself worthy.
I believe I can make it.
My Choir's concert, Facets, is on the 15th (Sat) and 16th (Sun) of September, at the Esplanade Recital Studio. Do come if you are interested, and look me up for the tickets when available.
Three weeks holidays commenced from yesterday. Homework and revision is expected.
SC camp on monday, 3D2N.
Medical appointment on monday had to be post-poned.
AFD make-up lesson on thursday.
And another medical appointment scheuled on the up-coming thursday have to be reconsider.
BFD CA when the new school term starts.
Along with the PIE project in hand.
Another project is the OFA Powerpoint, due on end of July.
2nd camp, the Rotary Camp, 6th July.
But it clashes with the wedding of my cousin on the 7th July, this alone caused me in a dilemma.
I guess those mentioned above are my schedule so far.